Mapa referenčních projektů
Map of Refence Projects

Wall Materials

  • Wall Panels - wall-to-wall or partial acoustic panelling of walls in a visible or hidden grid.
  • Special Acoustic Wall Elements - Resonator, Oscillating Panels, Acutone, Diffsorber
Type Description Alfa w Technical Data Sheet
ModularCladding panels without visible grids with various acoustic properties 0.5-0.95Technický list ke stažení
ResidentPanels with a visible grid with a large selection of surface finishes alpha 0.95
IndustryPanels in visible grids for industrial and technical areas, thickness 50 and 100 mm 0.9/0.95Technický list ke stažení
AkufonCassette cladding made from perforated MDF panels with a wooden veneer alpha 0.55Technický list ke stažení

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