Homepage > Acoustics and Soundproofing > References > References by materials > Obifon > Beadworld - Skleněná bižuterie, a.s. , Pěnčín
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Beadworld - Skleněná bižuterie, a.s. , Pěnčín

Acoustically absorbent ceiling  in cutting shop.
Materials used

Based on the respective acoustic study, the cutting shop was fitted with a wall-to-wall acoustic ceiling, dimensions14.75 x 11.35 m. Together with modernization of the installed technology, the requirement of the investor to decrease the equivalent level of acoustic pressure below 83 dB was reached which significantly improved the working environment.

Sound absorption coefficient αw
Skleněná bižuterie, a.s.
Location of construction
Manufacturing plant in Pěnčín (here)
Realization period 
Order number
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